הַחֹר שֶׁבַּלֵּב / ירון
הרגשתי תְחוּשַׁת נִמּוֹל בַּיָּד -
אָז עָשׂוּ לִי EMG,
שֶׁחָזַר תַּקִּין.
ואז x-ray צַוָּארִי,
שֶׁחָזַר תַּקִּין.
וְהַתְּנוּעָה בְּיָד כְּבָר מֻגְבֶּלֶת -
אָז שָׁלְחוּ אוֹתִי לְאוֹלְטְרָסָאוֹנְד,
שֶׁחָזַר תַּקִּין.
וְגַם בְּדִיקַת הַדָּם,
חֲזָרָה תַּקִּין.
וְאַף בְּדִיקָה,
וְשׁוּם רוֹפֵא,
לֹא מְגַלָּה
אֶת הַחֹר שֶׁבַּלֵּב.
The hole in my heart
I felt a tingling sensation in my hand -
So they sent me for an EMG,
Which came back normal.
Then they x-rayed my neck,
Which came back normal.
And the movement is already severely restricted -
So they sent me to have an ultrasound,
Which came back normal.
And also to do a blood test,
Which came back normal.
And not even one test,
nor doctor,
could pinpoint,
The hole in my heart.